Many homes fall short when it comes to healthy indoor air quality, and you probably don’t even know it. But, when it comes to your indoor air quality, you should care, because according to CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission), “In the last several years, a growing body of scientific evidence has indicated that the air within homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities,” and “Other research indicates that people spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors. Thus, for many people, the risks to health may be greater due to exposure to air pollution indoors than outdoors.” Luckily, there are simple solutions that will bring more fresh air into your home, improve your indoor air quality and reduce those pesky household contaminants. Keep your family breathing the best air possible with these tips.

1. Bring Nature Indoors

There are many benefits to houseplants. They will actually help clean indoor air, because of the way houseplants breathe. They take in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. People and animals take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. When you bring house plants into your home you filter the air and bring in fresh oxygen.

2.Crack Windows

Your home doesn’t “breathe” well. It will recirculate the same air over, and over again. When you crack windows every now and then, you can improve your indoor air quality, because you are letting fresh air into your home, and allowing your home to “breathe.”

3. Turn Your Furnace Blower On

This is another great way to circulate indoor air in order to help improve your indoor air quality. When you have your furnace blower turned on it re-circulate the air, in your home, through your intake and back out of your home’s supply ducts. Although, in order for this to work the best it can, you need to make sure your furnace has been serviced. If your furnaced hasn’t been serviced it can cause more maintenance problems or even stop working altogether. It is important to keep your furnace serviced regularly. Contact an HVAC professional to keep your furnace serviced correctly.

4. Keep Air Filters Clean

The air filter in your HVAC system is the front line of defense against poor indoor air quality. The entire air volume in your home passes through the air filter multiple times a day. A clean filter will remove airborne particulates, ranging from dust to invisible microscopic particles. If your air filter is dirty, it will make your indoor air quality worse, as it circulates contaminates back into the air you are breathing. Your filters should be changed about once a month or according to your manufacture’s recommendations. You can either purchase filters and change them on your own, or have a professional do it for you.

5. Get Your Air Ducts Cleaned

The ducts are often the worst areas of the home in terms of indoor air quality. Which is a problem, since they circulate air around the home. Air ducts are not often cleaned, if at all, and that makes them a prime gathering place for airborne contaminants of various kinds. Things like dust, dander, pollen, germs, and mold spores all build up in the ducts. When your HVAC system is turned on either for heat or A/C it blows all those contaminates around your home, and you and your family breathe them in, which obviously isn’t good for your health. Duct cleaning removes those contaminants from your air supply, helping improve your indoor air quality, and allowing you to breathe easier. If your air ducts haven’t been cleaned at all, or a lot of time has passed since they’ve been cleaned, contact a professional today and start improving your indoor air quality.

The quality of your indoor air is important for your family’s health. Contact your heating and cooling experts today and start breathing fresh, clean indoor air!